Don Quixote – Cervantes’ comic novel

Don Quixote – Cervantes’ comic novel

Art in which the concepts involved in the work that takes precedence over traditional aesthetic and material concerns. I think, Entertainment gives you a predictable pleasure. Art leads to transformation. Entertainment makes us feel good. It doesn’t surprise us; it meets our expectations.

عاجل.. نقل مباراة المحلة و الأهلي إلي ستاد الإسكندرية
السلطان هو من يتحمل نتيجة سقوط الفهد الاخضر

Art in which the concepts involved in the work that takes precedence over traditional aesthetic and material concerns.
I think, Entertainment gives you a predictable pleasure. Art leads to transformation. Entertainment makes us feel good. It doesn’t surprise us; it meets our expectations.